Dear world,
Carrie and I would like to introduce you to Aeli (pronounced A-lee) Abra (pronounced like the Spanish word for open) Craven-Pasternak.
Our little male munchkin was finally born at 1:32 this morning (December 18) after a really grueling day and a half of labor. He's 7 pounds, 2 ounces and currently 3 meals and 2 poops into life.
Aeli and Mom are both happy and healthy (and hungry and sleepy) and we're comfortably holed up here in our cozy home with the amazing help of Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Mike (Carrie's parents, who have been doing a phenomenal job taking care of all of us).
His first few photos are attached. Last night was pretty special. It went a little bit like this:
Thu 9:30 PM: Momma Bear, Grandma, Grandpa, & I went for an evening time walk when Momma Bear felt her first few contractions that felt different.
Fri 1:30 AM: Momma Bear identifies a pattern and we call the Midwife to tell her that early labor has begun.
Fri AM and early PM: Momma Bear, Poppa Bear, Grandma, and Grandpa try to ride out the first 14 hours of contractions quietly and calmly. Grandpa and Poppa Bear set up the tub.
Fri 3:30 PM: Midwives arrive, contractions are picking up.
Fri 5:30 PM - Sat 12:30 AM: Transition stage of labor. INTENSE. In the text books this is cited as "the most intense but the shortest part of labor for most women. Usually lasts from 30 - 90 minutes." Poor Momma Bear rode out the crazy intense contractions throughout the house, forever earning the distinguished title "Best Ever Improvisational Coping Strategies" in the category of laboring mothers.
Sat 12:30 AM: The pushing starts. Aeli takes a full hour to push out, but finally
Sat 1:32 AM: Aeli Abra Craven-Pasternak emerges into the world and into his Momma Bear's arms. (This was really special.)
Sat 3:30 AM: Aeli "latches on" for his first meal. Momma Bear and Baby Bear find themselves expeditiously asleep. (Call it roughly at 3:50).
Sat 5:45 AM: Grandma, Grandpa, and the Midwives are still up and about, cleaning the house and checking on Baby and Momma Bear when Aeli wakes up with his first wet diapper! (Welcome to the world of using your urinary tract). With a quick change of the diaper, baby's all ready for bed again.
Sat 8:30 AM: Momma Bear and Poppa Bear wake up quietly for our first quiet moment with a quiet house and a sleepy baby and some beautiful morning light. (This was amazing.)
Sat 11:30 AM: Aeli wakes up, ready for his 2nd meal ever, after which, Poppa Bear is carrying him around when the first ominous poop bubbles squirt out. Baby's first poop! Good job little guy. Bowels functioning...check!
Life is good. Scratch good. Life is amazing. And Aeli and his momma are beautiful!
Thanks to everyone for your constant love and family. This boy is blessed!
-- stefin & carrie
Congratulations, all of you! Congratulations for motherhood! Congratulations for fatherhood! Congratulations for life-outside-the-whom-hood! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteHas your dad in Israel been able to see and enjoy these pictures and stories, the way that GG has??? I certainly hope so. God bless you all and keep you safe, healthy and happy