Is this it? Is this it?
If you google "39 and a half weeks pregnant" you get links to about a million message boards of women asking versions of the same question. Like a little kid on their way to a big ski trip or something: "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
I'm trying to finish grading a mountain of essays that I had hoped to have done by Friday, but a combination of exhaustion and regular old life has foiled that plan. I still have a significant set of things to finish up for my long-term sub (who starts Monday), and I will be receiving another stack of essays Friday- thanks to the district-mandated Interval Tests. (I'm going to start scoring them, then pass them onto my sub, who happens to be a friend who starred in the burlesque show with S and me.)
Speaking of that, try that change on for size! Last year at this time, I was performing in a burlesque show. December 12th was our closing night.

What a difference a year makes, eh? I bet next year I'll be saying the same thing!
Baby has the hiccups now. Lower now than a few days ago, and more to the right. It's getting ready! So are we. Trying to stock up on StefinandCarrie alone time, since we know that soon will become sparse. It is hard with both of us working so full time, but it is obviously extremely important. We skipped birthing class tonight in favor of resting in our cozy home... doing some grading and stretching and cuddling it up a bit before I crash early and Stefin forces himself to keep working after I've fallen asleep.
It's basically like Entourage.
From burlesque to baby! You are amazing. Can't wait to see all of you.