Saturday, October 19, 2013


This week I had that part lovely and part panicky realization that it is almost Halloween and I hadn't yet given any good thought into my costume. Fortunately, this provided a fun way to encourage myself out of the funk I have fallen into recently: namely, of thinking way too much about work.

Thus: I didn't exactly think long and hard about the most creative, and punny way to incorporate intellectual pop-culture references, glitter, and LED lights into a costume that could be worn in warm humidity or winter fridgitity alike... instead I thought, "What would Aeli like to wear?"

Got some good ideas from the good ol' internet, and fashioned a mask for each of us and cuffs (from the scraps of an Orcas-Island skirt that I shortened), which I assured Aeli will make him go really fast. (He only wants to wear shirts with "fast letters" on them, and his preference for socks also centers around the colors that provide the most speed.)

This morning, he left wearing his cape (really just the unadorned fabric I bought to make into his cape) to the farmer's market.

My little hero.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hibiscus and French Kissus

You know you have good friends when not only do they spend all day helping you move, but also go home, get costumed, and partake in a punny dance party for you that same night.

 Note: Cort was holding a glass of wine; Ray a French press and baguette. (See also: Greg, and Michael.)
 The illustrious Tony.

 Aeli helped me peel hibiscus pods, so we could make our own tea!


 The result was seriously red and delicious.

Also- Aeli has graduated to the table of butterflies (as opposed to bumblebees) at school, which means he is pretty much completely potty-trained. (And heavily invested. When he was sick last weekend, I was trying to put a dipe on him in the middle of the night, and he was fighting me, kicking and yelling, "No! I'm a butterfly now! Butterflies don't wear dipes!") Just a moment ago, he got up from watching Cars, went to the bathroom, and did his thing (standing up!). He's practically a teenager now.

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