Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nice Things

Big belly. (Which is now even bigger.) Even though it gets in the way a lot, and sometimes I wish Stefin could really know what it feels like to bend down to put your leg into the hole of a pantleg with a basketball right above your pelvis, it's nice because I know it means a little creature who didn't exist before is living and cuddling and squirming in there, and will soon be joining us in our lives out here.
The comfy glider rocker from Aunt Jeanne.
Cloth diapers from Tommy and Miriam. (Cleverly demonstrated on a lamb.)

Knowing that I only have five more weeks of actual teaching before I go on leave. (Whoa!)

Thank you everybody for your continued well-wishes and love.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Sometimes Lil' B likes to scoot over to one side of my belly and stick its butt out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Almost 31...

This is how it is to look down at my feet these days.

We met with our midwife Emmy yesterday- and Baby's head is down! It's already plotting its great escape. (Although it's still pretty high- chilling in alternating positions of being stretched out like it deliberately is trying to wedge its pointy parts in between my ribs and curling up like the seed of a mango.) Still kicking lots, and sometimes I feel hiccups from right above where my tummy meets my leg. Can you believe that? Hiccups!

I can't believe we're less than ten weeks away from having this little creature in our lives- forever! I am more excited than nervous, but I am a little of that too. Mostly I am sleepy, but more productive and less overwhelmed than last week with school. I think a treat for myself this weekend will be finding some good dresses of the dress-over-leggings variety so I feel like I have something besides work clothes and big old t-shirts that are fit to leave the house in.

More immediately: ice cream and a nap!

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