Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Means...

 Some days are cold and we have to send the kiddos in hats because, as their teacher explains, "Their hoods fly off when they run and play."

 Warm mornings lend themselves to playing on the new STAGE in our backyard (a neighbor's discarded home-built bed...)
 Notice the jungle of flora back there!

Making amazing pork stock from the bones of the pig we roasted (all the meat now gone!). We will be boiling some flavorful quinoa 'round these parts, tell you what.

 Papaya trees have been transplanted (post-hurricane that knocked them over in their buckets), and fire-pit has been built. Now long smokey evenings can be spent in a circle. Beer and instruments abound.
Aeli can start seriously rockin some flannel and corduroy! 

Also: my sister is here! We welcomed her righteously, and I wore three costumes in one day.

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