Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Aeli's Cooking Show: Green Dip

First of all, I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted ANYTHING on this blog... but boy things have been happening. Even aside from green dip. (You should try some! Another favorite from our friend Dio: put a small container of cream cheese, bunch of radishes, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper into the food processor. Bright pink deliciousness will result!)

In brief:
Aeli speaks in amazing sentences. "Mommy, will you play baseball with me? I'll be the pitcher and you be the hitter, and I'll throw the baseball with the glove."
and "I'm just going to have some more crackers and then a little bit of raisins, so I can save some raisins for later."
He also can usually carry on a short, but logical conversation on the phone.

We've been house-hunting. Were ready to make an offer on a double-shotgun in a cute mid-city neighborhood this morning, but someone else beat us to it.

Traveling! Israel for 10 days with Savta, Grampy, and Ariel, and San Diego with the O'Sullivans soon after that. (My usually fish-belly colored skin rejoiced in all the beach time!) Aeli loved each of these adventures, and keeps talking about each.

Playing! (As I type, Aeli is looking for the plastic baseball that he is so good at hitting. He's saying, "Where are you, baseball?")

Remember how when you were a kid "summer" seemed like a whole 'nother world? It seemed to last much longer than 6-8 weeks, and the energy of every day was totally different than the days of the school year? This summer has felt closer to that than it has in years. (Certainly, the fact that I'm no longer a full-time classroom teacher helps in that.) We're just really enjoying ourselves and each other, and really appreciating every day.

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