Friday, May 20, 2011

Hey Mom!

Look what I did!

That's me saying that, not Aeli.

One of the "other duties as assigned" of motherhood is small feats of engineering. Like assembling large toys.



The proof is in the pudding:

On another note, here's the outfit we sent Aeli to school in the other day.
Fashion forward, anyone? (Or maybe we just ran out of clean pants...)

P.S. I apologize for the uber-pixlelation (sp?) of all these pictures. I don't know what is up. I'm looking into it. Right after I look into this Tina Fey book and a beer. Happy Friday!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Meeting of the Vowels

I mean, the cousins. Asa, Eli, and Aeli met yesterday in Chicago.

They liked each other.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today, My Crib, Tomorrow, The World!

I tried to take a nap with Aeli this afternoon.
Often this is as sweet and cuddly as it sounds, but today, it equaled Aeli rolling over many times to pull at my shirt, kick me in the stomach, climb his feet up my thighs, and grab my face over and over. Mouths and lips are especially interesting to him, and he grasps them unabashedly.

It is aMAZing that he can do all these things now, when less than five months ago he was just this skinny little lump that didn't even know his hands were his; it would also be nice if our periods of shut-eye could coincide.

(He just closed his eyes now. In time for me to go start on dinner.)

I LOVE though- that when I got to his school today, after another lovely hour drive home, the crying and carrying on he'd been doing for that last hour, slowed quickly to a stop when I took him in my arms. I don't mean that I love that he was crying, or to imply that Ms. C doesn't do an awesome job with the babies (3 of the 4 of them were crying an unusual amount this afternoon), but it is nice to reaffirm that your baby really does know who you are, and that your arms are generally preferred.

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Yesterday was: kids complaining about my treat of strawberries; teacher appreciation week going unmentioned at my school, an hour and twenty minutes of traffic to get to Aeli's school...

But once I got near him it all started to get better.

His teacher had made all the moms gifts with our babies' footprints, and there were scones and cookies and fruit. This made Ms. C's, "He threw up twice and pooped through two pairs of pants," greeting more bearable.

It's Jazzfest again this weekend, and since we live so close, parking is insane by our house. In the morning rush to get to school, we neglected to put out our garbage can to save our place, and so the closest available parking was 2 blocks away, across the bayou. I had a million bags and papers plus a breast-milk filled cooler and Aeli's heavy seat, which was just too much to consider carrying that far by myself. Meanwhile, my boobs were crazily full and I very much needed to pee. For a moment, I almost hated Jazzfest. That brief moment of panic was followed by a lovely stop at Colleen's house, where I fed Aeli on the porch while waiting five minutes for her to get home from school.

It got better from there: she dropped us at home, and came back with the car later; Stefin made us nachos, we read and went to bed early. In my new life, that is a dreamy Friday night.

Here's us festin last weekend:

It's a good life.
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