Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Small Post About Israel

Hey dudes.
Ani ohevet this photograph. These boys are my whole world.

Aeli touched his first sea! He kicked and kicked. Mostly just looked confused and then started to look a little panicked. I think the only reason he didn't absolutely love it was he had these tiny blisters on his pinky toes from all the jumping he's been doing in his new bouncer. (He's really quite the athlete.)

Overall, it was a good trip, although a difficult one. We had been planning on leaving on June 1st, to visit the country as well as Stefin's dad. Timing played a cruel trick, however, and S's dad passed away last Sunday. We abruptly changed our tickets and got there as soon as we could, to be there for the funeral and other members of Sabba's family. The saddest part was that Aeli and Ovi never got to meet in person. And the planned meeting was less than two weeks away. Aeli definitely helped a lot though, providing sweetness, and funny dinosaur impressions, and innocent obliviousness to the mourning.

We got back late last night, and only will stick around New Orleans for a handful of days before road-trippin up to VA/DC for another big trip. Later in the month we'll be in the NW again. I'm excited. I'm missing my mossy, misty, salady, corner of the country.

It was 97 degrees last night here.

Aeli, still on Israel time, insisted that 4:30 am was a very good time to get up to play, convinced Stefin to get up and take him on a 5 o'clock walk. The sun hadn't made it over the horizon yet, and Stefin said he was already sweating.

What a world.
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