Hopefully it won't actually be less than one month... I'm crossing my fingers it will happen right around the 15th, when my mom gets here. Not too long afterward though, in my ideal world, because I am getting quite tired of elements of this pregnancy stuff. For example, having to push myself and roll out of bed instead of just sitting up like a normal person who has usable abs.
Baby is wiggling lots. It's fun to feel the pointy parts that jab out: elbows, knees, and heels. I can't wait to see those parts wiggling around outside of my ever-stretching belly. We got a pool (with blow-up sides) in the mail the other day (the better to labor and maybe have a water-birth in), and are acquiring the last few physical things we need to be ready for the big day. This morning, to prepare for the mental/physical part, Stefin and I practiced flexing all the muscles in our bodies for 90 seconds and then resting for 30 (the approximate pattern of contractions during the "transition" phase of labor)... I was tuckered after 3 cycles. I guess the "good thing" is that I won't be in charge of the contractions when the time's really there... all I'll be able to do is ride them out and relax as much as possible in between them.
I'm getting so excited to meet the little bugger!