So I have to do some backtracking now to get ya'll up to date with our busy lives. Aeli had his two-month check up yesterday and bursts out of the charts with a whopping weight of 14 pounds, ten ounces! The doctor said a weight like that on a two-month-old would make you expect a chunky sphere of a baby, but seeing that Aeliron's super tall (24"), he's looking just right. Just, BIG.
During his second month of life, we took two trips to two Washingtons, one weekend after the other. D.C. was quite chilly, but beautiful. Aeli kept warm in Dad's vest.

Got to hang out with Auntie Ariel and her no-longer-mysterious boyfriend Yair, who was visiting from Israel. (He's great.)

"Don't they ever get tired of this?"
I have a video I was trying to post here, but I haven't figured out how to make it stick.
Prepare yourself for cute.
---To be continued---
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